My involvement in several intensive projects at work accounted for my major lack of updates.
Now that things have relatively settled and a couple of the events are over, I guess it’s safe to say that I can depend on a comfortable relapse of my blog habits.
Or a semblance of it, at least.
Alright, a couple of milestone-y details while I was away :
June 02 – Meep went for his ball-busting surgery. I’ll post some pics of these soon. He survived and leapt back to health, purring and scratching in no time
June 03 – I went for the SIMS 3 launch, yeah cos im a dork like that. Went into my game frenzy the moment the goods reached by paws but ended it prematurely because my HP tablet just couldn’t cut it. Because of this, hausbern and I decided to get an iMac come September.
July 7 – The EVENT DAY at work. All was well except for the a couple of minor hiccups. Guess the hard work paid off.
Well that’s it. You can tell how interesting my life has been.
Course, that’s saying something especially now with world issues that’s been going on lately.
You know, what with the bombing, the plunge into global economic recession, wacko jacko dead and HINI... yadda yadda yadda.
For that, I’ve decided to make Thursdays my official WTFSTFU Day…just to kick things up a little, yknow ??
So here it is, my inaugural WTFSTFU post :
P/S ILU Katharine Litwack. You funny.
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