Jul 27, 2009

Red Ring of Death

I think we just lost it.

Our ability to stay sane in a moment of crisis just got thrown out of the window because… we just bought A NEW XBOX TO REPLACE THE OLD ONE IN LESS THAN AN HOUR APART.WTF.
First the Red Ring of Death had to happen. In BOB (Brothers of the Box)-speak that means your xbox just went ape-shit and 99.99% chances are you won’t be able to continue on your pirate quest in The Secret of Monkey Island.

Next come the frustration, hair pulling and other assorted groveling by the TV console while the husband insists on his mcGuyer-y rescue mission for the 15379,9812th time.

After a couple of unsuccessful tweaking followed by ten or twenty violent hammering using the base of the screw driver, I just had to say it :

“Hausbern, let’s go get a new one” (In all seriousness, too, if I may add.)

So there we went, holding hands and merrily skipping away to JP. In the act of complete ignorance, we went up to gadget store and coyly asked the attendant if the latest version comes with the ‘Jasper’ unit. In less than a second, we walked out of the store with a nifty little plastic bag.

The impact hit us much much later. We just bloddy forked out $339 without a moments’ pause; as if the XBOX is a precious commodity that requires immediate replacement upon extensive wear - like how you would a fridge or a washing machine.

Even Meep’s sleep wasn’t interrupted. He woke up to the usual sound of the video game sound blaring and simply plonk himself next to the speaker unit.

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