May 7, 2009

Like Superman

Meep’s a wondercarpet.

That’s a new term I’ll gladly dole out for a furry creature that basically does nothing but eat sleep poop and functions as your basic feet warmer.

Somehow for reasons known only to him, my infamously sloth-like cat doesn’t behave like how a cat normally would.

Let me illustrate this point :

  • Throw a ball at Meep, he will look at the moving object, twitches his whiskers..and go back to sleep
  • Call his name and he will shift his body ever-so-slightly, blinks at you once…and go back to sleep
  • Point a laser pen his way, he will bat with his furry paw ONCE and that’s it.

I even experimented by placing a tissue on his head

…and, it manage to remain there for a whole 20mins.

I’m lucky if he manage to even throw a glance my way cause he seems SO uninterested in anything that goes on around him.

But I love him still. Because he gives out the sweetest meow ever when he wants food or company and will look at you with the largest doe-eyes that can make you melt.

He still stinks though, as I’ve can’t give him a bath because of his flea meds.
But he makes a good cuddly pal even though he smells a lot like tuna.

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