May 17, 2011

Bits of my Weekend

So it goes without saying that I have been rather inconsistent with my posts lately and have not been updating any entries for the past one month. Nothing to be concerned about. I have been spending a lot of me-time lately, soul-searching, if you will and adapting to the changes that's been going on around me as well as finding ways on how I could improve myself, as a person, a wife and a muslim. It all starts with baby steps though.

I've started to read again. I've completely forgotten how much I love the smell of used books and the little thrill i get when I turn the crisp wood-free textured page of a new book. I love Penguin books and I got so excited looking at the new pocket-size collection of classic literature and stories I used to read in my teens.

I, no, we (my husband and I) have been looking into our health as well. We started to work out, eat supplements and lesser fast food and went for the medical screenings to ensure that we are at our prime of health. The husband even bought himself a pair of new grey trainers!

We've also been spending a lot of quality time together and planning our finances to ensure a better future as a family. We off to a good start, and may Allah reward and bless us in time to come, Insya'allah.


Milee said...

Tats a lot of change going on but I m sure u r gonna reap benefits soon! *hugs*

stry said...

Thanks babe *hugs back*

ilyana said...

Hello Fiz, thank you so much for leaving that wonderful comment on my blog! I was feeling shitty about school + my non-existent social life and your comment made me feel happier than I've ever been the past week (sob story, I know). I'm sorry I haven't been blogging much tho, finals are coming so I have to go on a forced hiatus :/ Anyway, I've just casually browsed through your entries and you have beautiful pictures! You and your husband make a great couple from what I can tell. Looking forward to be being able to explore your blog properly after this crazy month! x


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